Saturday, April 24, 2010

To Improve Cow Work Learn To Use Your Reins Properly To Set Your Horse On His Hocks

This is another video clip taken by an audience member at the Northwest Horse Expo-March 2010.  For those of you interested in improving your horses performance on cows you need to learn how to get your horse on his hocks in order to complete the turn cleanly.  If your horse turns on his front end, not only is the turn slower but it results in a movement toward the cow which adds to the problem by encouraging the cow to speed up.

A horse that stops all forward motion and then comes through the turn cleanly will be easier to ride and have better control of the cow.

Pulling to your hip when turning your horse is worth practicing and once mastered is sure to improve your performance in the herd!  Experiment with this and send us a video so we can see how its working and help correct any problems.  Member's can post their comments and questions below.

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  1. This makes perfect sense, thanks for sharing this one! Sandy

  2. Thanks for showing the mistake. You demonstrated it so clearly, and then the better way.
